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This is a limited edition. No reprints of this book are anticipated. It would make the ideal gift for yourself or that special someone who grew up in East Africa.

94 pages, medium-sized book (240 x 225mm) with high-resolution pictures on glossy paper. Printed in the UK by Biddles.

A total of 55 photographs, images and maps have been curated by Selma Carvalho and beautifully presented by award-winning designer Nisha Albuquerque in this exquisite museum-quality book tracing the lives of Goan pioneers in Zanzibar, Mombasa and Nairobi, covering roughly the period 1860 - 1920. Owing largely to the generosity of the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies Winterton Collection, Northwestern University; The National Archives, Kew; the Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig, and Goan families who gave permission to print rare pictures from their archives, this book has come to fruition. Permisions were also purchased from the British Library Board for some images. This is the first book of its kind. Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy this book over and over again with your family and learn something new about your historical past. Some pages of the book-in-progress have been mounted on this website. Copyright of all images, including those appearing on the internet for publicity purposes, belongs to copyright holders and can not be republished without their permission.